Sunday, March 15, 2015


When Tank left, I was worried about how Evie would feel and what she would think about the fact that he came to me after she did and left before she did.  I was very careful how I worded things.  I told her that he was going to be with a relative - I made sure to specify that it was not his mom he was going to be with; but I also didn't want to say he was going with his aunt, because she has aunts, too... and didn't want her to think she could just go be with HER aunt. 

On Friday, TT's four-year old, G, was reunified with her mom.  Saturday morning we went to pick up TT to go out; when I told Evie where we were going, she said, "Yay!  I get to play with G!"  I told her G wasn't there, that she was with her mom now.  At first she said, "Awww, I'm going to miss G!"  And then... "I want to go back with MY mom." 

Poor thing.  This was definitely an aspect of foster care that I had never even thought about... how the kids would feel and the confusion they would experience when other kids came and went at different times than they did. 

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