Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Foster Placement Weight Loss Plan

Tigger has been here almost two weeks, and I have lost five pounds.  The same thing happened in the first week or so after Evie and Tank were placed with me.  (Not that the five pounds ever stayed off!) 

I think it probably is common for foster parents to gain weight in the first weeks when a new child is placed - eating out, easy/quick/fattening food, overeating due to stress.  For me when I get a new placement, eating is my last priority.  So I just end up eating a lot less.  For example, my typical breakfast often is a cereal bar, a banana, and a yogurt.  But when I first get a placement, I am trying to figure out a routine and take care of extra things like finding a daycare and setting up WIC; so I might just grab the cereal bar for my breakfast and skip the banana and yogurt. 

It's just been interesting to me that this has been the pattern with all three of my long-term placements. 

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