Saturday, April 9, 2016

What Happened in That Half a Mile?

Yesterday, JATH was scheduled for a visit with TT's baby at 4:00 and with Elmer at 4:30. 

I was looking forward to her visit as Elmer had had a visit with his mom on Thursday and I wanted to hear how it went.  JATH was also supposed to ask his mom what his middle name is, so I wanted to find that out.  (I'm fairly certain I will change Elmer's first name if I adopt him, but I want to know what his middle name is, as I may keep that; and if so, that may affect what first name I will use.)  I also was wanting to ask her about what was next in terms of Elmer's dad. 

At 5:00, I texted JATH asking if she was still planning to come.  I didn't get a response.  At 5:15, I texted TT and asked if JATH was still at her house.  She said, "No, she left here about 20 minutes ago.  I asked if she was headed to your house now, and she said yes."  Then I called JATH and got no answer - I left a voice mail.  I still have not heard anything back from her. 

So I'm wondering... what happened in that half a mile between TT's house and my house?? 

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