One Year Ago
Evie was placed in my home, and both of our
lives were changed dramatically.
The placement worker that called said that the
kids may be home by the time Evie’s brother got out of the hospital.
I thought Evie would be with me a few weeks to a
month or so at most.
I was certain that Evie and J would be returned
to their mom – it was just a matter of when.
Evie came in with a head full of matted
hair. It had not been washed much (if
ever) and definitely had never been cut.
I had NO CLUE how to care for that hair.
Evie was scared to get her hair cut (read:
freaked out and screamed because “it’s going to hurt!”)
She was scared to death of the Popo.
Evie did not know any of her letters or numbers,
or even her shapes and colors consistently.
She could not tell you what her first name
started with, much less spell it.
Her articulation of words was lacking in many
different sounds.
She was scared to jump into the pool.
She had no table manners and always ended up a
mess when eating.
She had no manners in general, and burped and
farted without saying, “Excuse me.”
She gorged on food and would just eat and eat.
Except for vegetables. She cried when those were on her plate.
Evie was waking up before 6am when the sun
barely started coming up.
She would sit outside my bathroom door while I
was taking a shower.
I knew very little about the foster care system
– I had no clue what the terms “merit hearing”, “foster care review board”, or
“permanency planning” were; I didn’t know what the standard protocol was for
court hearings, parental visits, etc.
I typically got six hours of sleep a night with
10-12 hours “catch-up” on Saturday mornings.
I had no friends in the foster care world.
A scared four-year-old showed up at my doorstep.
Evie is still here, and my life continues to be
very different from a year and a day ago.
The caseworker and guardian ad litem are still
saying the kids may be home in a few weeks.
I know better than to make assumptions about a
case. I’m still working on having less
It wouldn’t surprise me if Mom’s rights are
terminated at some point.
Evie’s hair is healthy and she is comfortable
having it washed.
I can now do lots of styles. I am still experimenting with different
products and the best way to care for her hair.
She has had it cut one more time and was still
pretty anxious about the whole process.
The other day, she said, “The police help keep
us safe.”
She knows all her letters and numbers, can count
to fifty or more, and is beginning to read.
She can spell and write all four of her names –
a total of 24 letters (she has two middle names).
She can say all her sounds correctly.
She has moved up very quickly to the next class
in swim lessons, and the instructor last week said she was “phenomenal.”
She still has to be reminded to lean over her
plate and chew with her mouth closed at times, but her table manners overall
are TONS better than last year.
She almost always says, “Excuse me.”
She actually has recently started saying that
she is full and not finishing everything on her plate at times.
She eats most vegetables without complaining,
and said she likes broccoli.
She usually wakes up around 7:15, and, thanks to
the “ok to wake” clock, doesn’t come get me out of bed until between
She will entertain herself while I get myself
I now know these terms, but still have so much
to learn about the foster care system
I now get 5-6 hours of sleep a night with 7-8
hours “catch-up” on the weekends.
I have made some wonderful friends IRL
(including TT – my sounding board and many times saving grace; separate post to
come soon); and online foster mom friends.
A mostly-happy, but still sometimes scared,
five-year-old still lives at my house.