For anyone new to the blog, this is 7-month old Elmer.
7-month old with a high-risk history who has just started getting up on his hands and knees, and who has just learned to purposefully put his bib up over his face and pull it back down to play peek-a-boo.
7-month old who is now one of the most "chill" babies I have ever seen, but once was a 6-week old who was never fully settled.
7-month old who smiles all. the. time. but whose adorable smile I can't show you. :(
Elmer is the fifth foster child that has been placed with me. He is the first one that has had a primary plan of adoption. The next step is another merits hearing that will be scheduled for dad in June sometime (he has not showed up for the first two). The caseworker thinks they will be asking for recommendation of TPR (termination of parental rights) as well during that court date. This case is going on way too long for one where the parents aren't even being given a treatment plan.